Parker Hurley By Paul Reitz

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We've seen the handsome beach bum Parker Hurley on the Gay Body Blog a few times in the past, but it's been a little while since we saw that gorgeous face and that immense smile. I saw this shoot by Paul Reitz and of course it had to be added here for your perusal.

He's one of those guys that everyone seems to love, and even though I know a lot of you guys out there are very vocal about tattoos and think any ink at all is some kind of abomination, I also know that a lot of guys love it on a handsome and buff man like him, or at least don't care that he has so much ink on his defined and fit body.

To be honest, I like it. Then again I am a sucker for fit hippies and bad boys ;)

I do have one criticism though, and that's the teasing. He's one of those male models who likes to really take it to the limit, but stops a little short. Isn't that a little infuriating? lol

There are a lot of men out there reading this right now who would love to see this guy butt naked.

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Parker Hurley By Paul Reitz 6

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