Paralympic Hunks

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I'm angry. With all the bloggers out there posting pics of some of the hottest Olympic men taking part this year I was expecting to see the same when it came to the Paralympics too, but it seems - at least on the face of it - that a disability makes even the most gorgeous of sporting men unattractive!

I'm about to rectify that by sharing some pics that I hope will open the eyes of some of our readers and prove that there are indeed some major hotties in the Paralympic games, and that the fact that they may be differently abled does not detract from their fuckability!

I'm going to focus on two of the stars of the Paralympics for this post, Jonnie Peacock and Oscar Pistorius. If anyone here thinks that these two guys are unattractive, or that they would kick them out of bed, they are deluding themselves!

Both these men are truly stunning in my opinion. Their abilities are remarkable, their bods amazing, their attitudes to sporting achievement highly admirable... I could go on, but I don't want to overdo it.

The fact of the matter is that these hunks deserve some lustful eyes appreciating them, and the fact that they are a little different from the average hunk should not change the fact that they are delicious. In fact, these two men have a lot more going for them, have achieved far more, and are a great deal more inspirational than a lot of the male models we adore already.

Shame on all the other bloggers out there who skipped over the hotness of men like these and just "assumed" that their audience wouldn't be interested in them. I know for a fact that many of our Gay Body Blog readers would adore these hunks - but I guess that's what makes us different from all the other blogs out there ;)

Paralympic Hunks (1)

Paralympic Hunks (2)

Paralympic Hunks (3)

Paralympic Hunks (4)

Paralympic Hunks (5)

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12 years ago

One word, AWSOME!!!

12 years ago

Just one word, AWSOME!!!!

12 years ago

Well said and done, it is a sad inditement.Check out gold medallist aussie swimmer, Matthew Cowdrey, the cutie

12 years ago

Thank you for posting these images. I for one have great respect for all sportsman knowing what they do, how they train and their dedication to physical excellence. These images are sure good looking, real wet dreams to say the least. I was disappointed not to see more of the Paralympics on the main stream media. These men and women too earn our respect and admiration every bit as much and perhaps even a little more then the able-bodied.

12 years ago

I’ve Seen Oscar Pistorius compete at the London Olympics. He’s real cute…but I realized how ‘gifted’ he truly was when a slo-mo featured him running commando in his loose spandex. HOT! He’s equally sexy shirtless!

12 years ago

Bravo for this post! I had my eye on Oscar Pistorius during the Olympics. What a hunk!!

12 years ago

Thanks for giving these sexy guys some press!

Nick Russell
Nick Russell
12 years ago

SAM – can we have a URL for Oscar Pistorius running commando?

By the way, whare *does* that word ‘commando’ come from, in this sense? My bf always goes commando to the office and I just wondered.

12 years ago

Stunning photo in the silver spandex looks like a real super man. I hope he maybe can get into movies. We haven’t seen any paralympic offered a role in a movie. It was soooo frustrating, we only go 4-6hrs at random times of the paralympics here over the other side of the pond. All $ matters. We are told there is no market and no interest. I think they need to open their mind these big networks..all interested in selling Kellogs etc. I hope some of the guys who are gay will pose and show off body and their mechanics that make them these ueber men. I would see nothing wrong in it.

Leslie Mcquaid
Leslie Mcquaid
4 years ago

Thank you so much for posting my 2 favourite sexy Paralympic athletes
I love Oscar and Minnie they are both so sexy

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