Paolo Bellucci Naked!

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Just yesterday we had a post starring the handsome and buff Paolo Bellucci in some sexy underwear, and after looking around out there for a little more of this daring hunk I managed to find some pics for another post that is definitely going to get your attention!

Check out Paolo Bellucci naked, teasing the viewers with his hot bod and some sneaky peeks of his manhood. I love suggestive and teasing images like these, mainly because they suggest that the guy is willing to go further and do some full-on nude shoots in the future - something I know every one of you guys is going to want to see! lol

Roberto Chiovitti is once again the photographer showing off this hot hunky man in this shoot, and he's done an excellent job of it too. I don't know where this setting is, but it's a great choice.

There's a lot to appreciate about this guy, from his pecs and those large nipples, to his abs and that gorgeous butt. He also seems to be pretty nicely hung too! ;)

I will be looking for more of this guy, of course, but if you have any leads for me by all means let me know!


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7 years ago

Super hot

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