Paolo Bellucci Has A Couple Of Real Hot Buddies In This New Shoot By Joan Crisol

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We already know Paolo Bellucci very well. We've seen him here at Gay Body Blog several times in the past and the sight of him showing off that big uncut dick will never leave my mind. Mostly because I still have those photos in a folder and look at them often, but it's indelibly imprinted on my brain all the same lol

The gorgeous stud is joined by equally hot Luis Beltrán and Martin Ivanov for this incredibly sexy summertime shoot by the very talented (and very lucky) Joan Crisol.

We know Joan is famed for photos of stunning muscled men wearing very little, so you can always expect a shoot by him to look pretty damn delicious.

This one ticks all the boxes.

Aside from the fact all three models are awesomely sexy and I could fantasize about them for hours, I love the style and the colors of this shoot.

The muscle, the underwear, the bulges, the sporty theme... all of it will have me thinking about various naughty scenarios for the rest of the day.

I know I'm not alone in that.

Enjoy these three studs, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button, share the post... most importantly, have a lovely Sunday, won't you?

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3 years ago

Those underwear look absolutely ridiculous. Clownish at best. Pity the muscle Marys all look quite hot. They would have look much better sans undies…

3 years ago

Not into thongs personally but these studs certainly present whatever their wearing with ample equipment surrounded by hard defined bodies and gorgeous faces. Terrific! Woof!!

3 years ago

I think it’s hilarious. In a positive way.

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