Paolo Bellucci Communes With The Spirits In This Strange New Shoot

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It's no secret that I love Paolo Bellucci. We've seen this handsome young hunk here several times in the past, in all manner of settings and with his cock on display, too.

If you haven't seen those extremely erotic shoots with the handsome and buff model then I recommend clicking here and taking a look.

This time he's keeping at least some of his clothes on for photographer Joan Crisol, which we don't mind too much considering how generous and brazen he's been in the past.

He's one of those true creative spirits who doesn't shy away from being as revealing as possible, but he's also willing to tame things down a little and create something like this.

And, I'll be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about a gorgeous hunk like him posing in a shiny jock strap in the middle of an old cemetery. lol

I mean, I get the intention. It does kind of suggest a message of living life while you can, right?

Still, we all think cemeteries are creepy, and perhaps a place where one should keep their clothes on lol

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button and share the post.

Have a lovely Tuesday and don't go frolicking around graveyards in your undies if you can help it.

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2 years ago

Erm. Wut?

2 years ago

joan crisol is an amazing photographer & this latex line from modus vivendi is stylish & expensive, i think it’s a great photo session.

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