Paolo Arreola Brings His Big Teen Cock To BelAmi

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This boy reminds me so much of a lot of guys I knew when I was eighteen. He's a little geeky, a little nervous and unsure of himself, but playing at being a confident guy. You know what I mean, right? He's not quite sure of himself yet and doesn't have real security in his appearance but he's working on it.

Paolo Arreola is a footballer and likes to work out, and it shows in his awesome athletic body. Like I said, I knew a lot of guys like him back in the day, and with his big dick you can imagine there's a lot of talk about him from his teammates. He tells us a little about the team showers and how he used to be nervous, but clearly with a body like that and such a nice cock too he doesn't need to be shy.

And according to Paolo goalies have the biggest dicks on the team. I wonder how he knows that, has he done some kind of survey? lol

He's definitely still just starting out but that big teen cock is going to make him pretty popular, and I think is shy nature is going to add to that interest. It would be pretty good to see him teamed up with one of their other guys for a good fuck.

Check out some screen grabs and click here for his full video, I think a lot of you are gonna be looking forward to seeing that big teen cock in action again soon!

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4 years ago

miam avec modération mais admiration

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