Paddy O’Brian Showing Off That Hot Body For Gilles Crofta

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So after sharing some immense pics of Paddy O'Brian naked and showing it all off in the last post I wanted to share a little more of the handsome and buff hunk for this one, with a more mainstream style.

Still, even though he's not getting it all out and on show in this shoot for Gilles Crofta he's still and incredibly sexy guy with a damn fine body.

You know, I occasionally see guys with bods like his at the gym, very occasionally, and it always distracts me completely from my workout. If I'm not ogling them and admiring them to the point of nearly falling off the treadmill then I'm feeling a little stupid while they annihilate the place with the kind of energy and power I could only achieve with an overdose of PCP or something lol

You have to admit that his body is pretty distracting, and pretty inspiring too, right?

Wouldn't we all want to look like that?

Anyway, as I mentioned in my previous post of pics of Paddy it seems that he might have retired from the gay porn world, but I'm definitely hoping his male modeling days are not over. We need to see a lot more of this guy, for years to come.

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9 years ago

Paddy O’brian, un de los mejores hombres gays.

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