Paddy O’Brian Goes Mainstream

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I have a feeling that this post is going to be a tiny bit controversial, because it seems that whenever I see Paddy O'Brian talked about for one of his gay porn videos there's a lot of criticism about him not being interactive enough with his partners.

He's a gay for pay star, but you probably know that. He's a great performer and he makes an excellent top, but he doesn't do much for the guys he's with when it comes to sucking or even jerking. It's odd to me, considering he;s bottomed for a couple of other guys now.

But, this isn't about his porn career, this is about the truly gorgeous photos he's appeared in for photographer Landis Smithers recently.

You know I have a few photographers that I absolutely love for their style and sexiness, and I have to add Landis to that list. This collection of Paddy is absolutely beautiful, not just because I think the guy is so hunky and hot. The style and the simplicity, the framing and the angles... everything about these photos is amazing to me.

This is not gonna be the only shoot from this talented photographer that I share on the blog, so stick around for more. The guy is a genius and deserves some appreciation here from you guys!

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Paddy O'Brian Goes Mainstream 10

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Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

HI!!! cutie like ur big cock!!!!

10 years ago

I prefer him not mainstream! Look at for horny pics of him!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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