Outdoor Nudity With Junior Kovaski

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I've just added photographer Matheus Fabrin to my list of names to regularly check up on, because I love some hot nudity and classy photography, especially when the subject is outdoors.

I'm not gonna pretend that you're all gonna love Junior Kovaski, because I know that there's a preference for the smooth and muscled jock, but I think some of you will be able to overlook the ink and the scruffiness and appreciate the very subtle "cruising" theme to this one.

I'm not the only one seeing that, right? I mean, sure, some of these pics are pretty standard when it comes to getting interesting angles in an outdoor setting, but there's definitely more than a hint that this guy could be out looking for some cock.

I have to admit that if I bumped into him in a random cruisy spot I would be more than happy to head behind the shrubbery and get our dicks out :)

I don't know anything about this guy at the moment, but I think I'm gonna be spending a little time later this afternoon seeing what I can dig up. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, and don't forget to hit that thumbs-up button before you go.

If your friends and followers might be interested in this post, make sure you let them know :)

Have a lovely Sunday.

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5 years ago

Too distracted by the graffiti to have cared that he’s nude. Is he nude?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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