Out Male Model Tomas Skoloudik

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It's been far too long since we last saw the handsome and sexy male model Tomas Skoloudik on the Gay Body Blog. After seeing this shoot by Greg Swales today I knew I had to have the pics on here to refresh your memory.

He's undoubtedly one of the most popular young male models out there in the world right now, mot least because he's not scared to get that uncut dick out and that sweet and smooth ass on show. He's an out and proud gay male model too, so obviously he's gonna have a lot of fans out there who adore him for all his traits - not least of all the willingness to get his kit off! lol

I know I usually stick to shoots with at least six or seven images to share, but in this case I thought I would let this one through anyway, I know you guys adore him almost as much as I do, so not having this little collection of photos on here would almost be blasphemy!

Enjoy his sexy poses, that tight athletic bod, and his gorgeous face and smile. I think I might have him in my fantasies for the rest of the day thanks to this this post, but that's really no hardship at all ;)

Out Male Model Tomas Skoloudik (1)

Out Male Model Tomas Skoloudik (2)

Out Male Model Tomas Skoloudik (3)

Out Male Model Tomas Skoloudik (4)

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6 years ago

What an extremely handsome man our Tomas. He has a perfectly toned and sculpted physique, but my attention lays with the incredible bone structure of that beautiful face and more importantly the drool worthy structure of that other bone, hung magnificently between his powerful legs. Woof

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