Our Regular Fix Of Vintage Hunks!

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You guys know I love to look back through time and share some very sexy images of men from yesteryear showing off their hot bods in some teasing photography, and I get the feeling you guys enjoy it when I do.

We've had plenty of these vintage posts before but there's seemingly an endless supply of gorgeous guys from back in the '50s ready to show everything off for us, and that's thanks to the trailblazers of the time breaking some very wrong laws and producing some very hot images.

One of the things I love about a lot of these shoots is that they show the discreet community that existed back then. There's a very real masculinity to a lot of the work, just because of the sports these men were interested in, but you can tell that while they might not have considered their sexuality in the same way we do now they were very much interested in the same kind of appreciation of the male form.

The last two photos might be my favorites out of all the posts of vintage men we've enjoyed. They're both apparent representations of "bromance" before it was even a label.

I don't have names for you this time but I think we'll be looking into some of these guys in the future and maybe I can get some names and give you some posts featuring them.

I know these aren't awesome quality images, but that's what you get from the time, unfortunately. Hopefully, one day, someone will be able to start on a project preserving these in higher-quality, larger images. I think that's possible now.

Enjoy these men, leave a comment and let me know what you think, and hit that thumbs-up button too!

Have a wonderful Sunday :)

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4 years ago

Love these vintage photos!

4 years ago

du vintage au touche- touche, il n’y a qu’un pas de quelques dizaine d’années

daniel r weir
daniel r weir
4 years ago

thank you for the hot men. from the past. and thank them for the choices they made in helping us get to now.

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing these vintage men. Their natural physiques are so much sexier than today’s steroid guys. Hugs, and enjoy yourself.

4 years ago

Nice and smooth, no ink, no ear decorations, no other piercings. Just all-man A nice alternative. Nothing wrong with keeping one’s body strong and fit and making the effort especially for modeling, without all the adornments, which are, to me, a sign of insecurity.

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