Our First Look At Handsome Xavier Serrano Is A Very Sexy Teasing One

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This is the first time we've seen handsome Spanish model Xavier Serrano here at Gay Body Blog but it's by no means the first time he's been in front of the cameras. I don't know why it's taken this long to find the sexy young man but now that we have you can bet he's on my list.

This shoot by photographer Valero Rioja has a bit of a story to it, don't you think? You guys know I like to try to work out what the narrative to a sexy shoot might be and I think in this case handsome Xavier might be a hard working man on a construction site who decided to go and have a sneaky jack off and got caught lol

Maybe you can think of an alternative story for this shoot but that's the hot one I'm going with :)

He looks damn fine, doesn't he? Not only is he very handsome but he's got an awesome body, so fit and athletic without being too muscled.

He's such a tease, too. We see a lot of shoots with guys showing a little more but this guy is taking it right to the limit.

Will we see more of him? I get the feeling he's the kind of model who wouldn't be embarrassed to pose completely nude for the right photographer and the right project. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on him :)

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button and let me know what you think the story to this shoot is.

Have a great Tuesday!

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3 years ago

You should have looked at him much sooner!

3 years ago

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

3 years ago

Un Serrano avec le charme du Parme , de la première qualité à savourer sans modération !

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