Otis Would Fuck Himself If He Were Gay In Any Way
It's time for something horny on the Gay Body Blog, and I think a lot of you guys are going to enjoy this new hunky dude on the Sean Cody site, it's a nice solo jack off video for a Friday!
His name is Otis, and he's another straight guy ready to get his cock out for the boys and put on a great show. I know some of you probably just moaned in exasperation there, but like it or not some of us get off on seeing straight guys enjoying some cock fun!
This guy is going to be interesting, because he's so damn cocky and narcissistic he apparently turns himself on. Yes, he actually admits that he gets turned on by watching himself. That's narcissism is taken to a whole new level in this solo as he gets his cock out and jacks off to his own reflection lol
I have to say that I like modest guys, I like attractive men who don't think they're attractive, guys who don't walk around like the world owes them something and don't have a holier-than-thou attitude or superiority complex. So, I was pretty surprised that I enjoyed watching him - but I did.
Yeah, he's pretty self involved and arrogant, but I guess some guys find that attractive.
Let me know what you think in the comments, is he hot or not? Does his attitude make him less attractive?

Seancody please change the sets a bit.. So boring & how about models of some color.. It’s rare and far between..
Thank you