On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo

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It might be a stereotypical thing, but there is definitely something about a hunk in uniform that does it for a lot of us, right? I mean, we all have something that gets us boned and horny, whether it's firemen, cops, military guys or even doctors. There is something about a uniform that has a lot of guys randy and wanting more.

That's what I thought about when I saw these photos of handsome and buff Trufelli Hugo in this shoot by French photographer  Xavir Sämre.

The sailor thing might not be for everyone, but I confess that seeing this gorgeous man stripping out of his uniform and showing off had me interested!

I found out a little about him too. Apparently he was a runner up in the Mr. Brazil World 2013 contest (is that the same as the previous one we talked about on here, or a different one? I have no idea). It seems he came fourth in that competition, in which case I really need to find out more and see who beat him! lol

I love his slightly scruffy and natural look, and the fact that he's not shaved smooth and covered in fake tan is definitely a plus for me ;)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (1)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (2)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (3)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (4)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (5)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (6)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (7)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (8)

On The Ocean Waves With Trufelli Hugo (9)

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11 years ago

Very hot looking guy. Love these posts where some is left to the imagination…goes to show that you don’t have to show everything to be sexy and hot!

11 years ago

He’s handsome, beautiful and sexy in the same time. I could stare him all day.

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