On The High Seas With César Manhães

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Ahoy there mateys! LOL

I have no idea what to say about this collection of photos, but I'm just gonna start typing and see what happens. Normally I can look at a shoot I'm sharing on here and I have an idea about how I'm going to present it and what I think you guys are going to say about it, but with this one I really have no clue! ;)

So, the model is César Manhães, and he is sexy. I love guys with some hair and I think he's just furry enough to be pretty sexy. And he's obviously handsome too, that goes without saying.

But I just can't help but be distracted by the fashion going on here! lol

What would we call this, "Pirate Goth"? I have been into all kinds of scenes from punk to goth to raver and I have never seen anyone with a "pirate" style outside of a fancy dress party.

But, I have to say there is something about it. Maybe it's the fact that I have a thing for Johnny Depp and his character of Captain Jack Sparrow? Come on, I know I'm not the only one here who would let Mr. Depp shiver their timbers if the opportunity were to present itself ;)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (1)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (2)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (3)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (4)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (5)

On The High Seas With César Manhães (6)

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Daniel in Montrreal
Daniel in Montrreal
11 years ago

Hmmm, it reminds me of vocalist Pete Burns of Dead or Alive, a British New Wave band from Liverpool, England. The group found success in the 1980s and had seven Top 40 UK singles and three Top 30 UK albums.

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