Oiled Up With Christian Zellermayr

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I know what you're going to say, there's not nearly enough of Christian Zellermayr in this post to really satisfy, and I agree that we need to see more of him looking all slippery and oiled up. But, I think you'll enjoy this post of pics all the same anyway.

This is where you use your imagination to try to work out how he got all slick and slippery like that. I have a few ideas myself, but I'm choosing to ignore the possibility that he was involved in an explosion at a lube factory, or that he has a weird genetic similarity to a hagfish (have you seen those things? Eww!) and I prefer to think that there was a very lucky young man on set that day ready to apply lotion to his sexy torso.

There are a lot of jobs in the world that I would want (realistic dildo mould maker, towel boy for the French Rugby team, and talent scout for gay-for-pay porn stars are all on my list) but if there is someone paid to oil up male models for shoots like this one by Topher Scott then I think I might need to add that as an unobtainable career.

He's looking lovely in this shoot, but we definitely need more of him!

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9 years ago

Very lean and sexy!!

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