Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade!

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Woo Hoo! We're at the end of another long week and we all have a couple of days to relax, or whatever it is you guys do at a weekend. I'm planning a visit to the pub this evening and I'm having dinner with a friend tomorrow night, I think I'll probably stay in bed throughout most of Sunday - hopefully with some company :) And speaking of things I would love to do with a man like Pedro De Andrade... Did you like that seamless transition? I'm so talented lol This handsome hunk is showing off his amazing body for photographer Marco Ovando in this shoot for the Garcon company, and what a sight he is! I spent a little longer than could be considered normal looking over these photos, but I don't think I'm the only one. He's a great looking guy, incredibly powerful. He's handsome in a very rugged and kind of brutish way too. Even though he looks like he could crush me like a bug, I can totally imagine that he's a loveable softie in real life. He might look like he goes ten rounds with someone in a boxing ring at least once a week, but I can picture him in a real sweet shoot cuddling puppies. I'm not sure about that pic of him on the can though. Let me know what you guys think of him, leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up too. Feel free to share this post around with all your lucky friends. Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 1 Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 2 Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 3 Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 4 Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 5 Oh The Things I Would Do To Pedro De Andrade 6

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