Ogling The Stenmark Brothers

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I don't know how the Stenmark brothers have avoided my gaze for so long but I think we're all gonna be glad to see them in this lovely beach shoot.

In fact, I'm not sure how long these two have been in the business, so maybe they haven't been ignored for long.

I know just a little about these two.

Jordan and Zac are Australian, which of course means they're automatically attractive to me. lol

We love our Aussie guys here, mainly because they're so often adventurous and not really shy in the slightest.

Does that mean we'll get to see either of these guys in the buff? I don't know, I guess it depends what photographers they get the chance to work with.

They're identical twins, so I can't tell you which is which. I don't suppose it matters for our purposes. We're just here to enjoy the handsome duo showing off their sexy bods in the sun for photographer Elvis Di Fazio.

Obviously I'm not going to a pick a fave of the Stenmark brothers.

I'm just going to spend a while imagining myself in Stenmark sandwich lol

Enjoy these guys. Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy them too.

Have a fantastic Monday!

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Lea Hendricks
Lea Hendricks
6 months ago

If you are going to do nude modeling show ALL of your front side.Be a real man.

6 months ago

superbe duo : que veut le peuple de mon genre ?

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