Nude Vintage Shots Of Hunky Young British Stud John Hamill

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You guys all know that I love reaching back through time to present some of those awesome shoots of hot men showing off for physique photographers back in the day, but rarely do we know anything about the subjects of those photos.

This time it's a little different, because we know that this handsome young man proudly showing everything off in some very sexy pics is British bodybuilder John Hamill.

As I understand it this young man started out in the 1960 posing for photographers for physique shots like these, but then got a little more into the erotic side of things. It definitely wasn't full-on porn the way it is now, more masculine posing with other models.

His career took an interesting turn when he became an actor and even appeared in some pretty big UK productions. I guess it was easier to bury work like this back then and it wasn't likely to be found and splashed all over the tabloids, but to be honest I don't think he was famous enough to have have experienced that kind of "outing" anyway.

I haven't seen his acting, but judging from these photos it looks like he was a real fun guy who was enjoying himself showing off. It kind of reminds me of some of the UK websites now where handsome young straight guys get naked and pose, and seem to enjoy that a whole lot, too :)

Leave a comment and let me know what you think, and hit that thumbs-up button too if you like these posts.

Have a very relaxing Sunday!

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4 years ago

I love me some vintage. He’s cute indeed.

4 years ago

Great posting! John was always my vintage fantasy, especially this two sexy B&W ‘home’ videos. He also had a bit shirtless speaking role (first 10 min.) in Joan Crawford’s ‘Trog’ (post-Baby Jane).

4 years ago

Non circoncis tellement super de mouvoir son prépuce avant une fontaine de jouissance !

4 years ago

I recently saw him in “no blade of grass”. He was better looking in the film than in his photos. His acting was good and he played the ‘good guy’ who is spurned by his girlfriend for the ‘bad guy’- she was an IDIOT!

4 years ago

just a question : I think a view is a new version of Hamlet’s sentence ” to be or not to be ” ? yes or no ?

David mole
David mole
2 years ago

He is lovely

2 years ago

Just seen him in a ’70s horror film “The Beast In The Cellar” as a soldier. He looks great in a uniform, very handsome and has quite a big role in it. He’s extremely fanciable with or without clothing!

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