Not So Straight Security Guard Quentin Gainz Flip Fucks With Justin Matthews

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So, how did your Christmas go? I'm still recovering after eating far too much and drinking more than I should have, but it was a great few days. I'm spending today recovering, mostly, but I'm out for lunch with a few friends later and I'm really looking forward to that.

I was thinking about what might be appropriate for a post today, but then I saw this video from Next Door Studios with Justin Matthews and Quentin Gainz and I knew it was time for some hardcore action on the blog. Let's just forget the holidays for a while and enjoy these two!

Is Christmas technically over now or do you keep it all going into January?

So, back to the video... Quentin is the security guard who's been checking out all the good looking guys going in and out of Justin's apartment, even though he's "technically" straight.

Don't even get me started on that whole "I'm straight, but..." thing, but that's basically how this video goes. Needless to say, Quentin isn't so curious about things by the end of the session and Justin has successfully converted another uniformed hottie to our team :)

I really like both of these guys, but Quentin has always been one of my faves. I don't know exactly what it is about him, but he's just damn hot!

Anyway, check out some of the pics and click through for the video. Have a great day and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

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