Noroi Kensho Is A Hot Sexorcist With Special Skills!

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I have to admit that the word Sexorcist is completely new to me and although I don't think it actually exists in any dictionary (even though it should) we can pretty much work out what it means without much thought.

Noroi Kensho is the Sexorcist we're enjoying in this new post.

As you guys probably know I've been enjoying the GayHarem adventure for quite a while now and I know a lot of you have been inspired to click and check it out for yourselves thanks to all the characters we've been seeing here on the blog.

Noroi Kensho is one we haven't seen before, a new class of character that really stands out as being different to most others in the Haremverse.

He's something of a superhero with a special talent. When kinky demons make their way into the harmverse they have a tendency to posses humans who can't handle the sexual desires and needs they manifest. This guy is specially trained to cleanse these demons!

He's so good at his job even the Sexorcist University has hired him to train a whole new generation of skilled practitioners!

I know it all sounds wild and crazy, but if you've checked out GayHarem you'll know how great the adventure is and how this fits in to the story extremely well.

Check out some pics of this character and click here to start your own adventure in the Haremverse :)

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2 years ago

yeah, yummy!

2 years ago

Great artist!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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