Noah Mills – Guy Next Door?

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Every now and then you see a model who really could be the guy next door. I don't know what it is about Noah Mills, but he reminds me of just a regular guy who kind of just happened to stumble into the career of modeling.

Noah Mills really could be the guy next door. Although this young man has worked with some major names, including D&G (again), YSL and Gucci, he retains that natural look that keeps him separate from the muscled and pumped-up guys usually found on the runway and in fashion shoots.

It's normally the ridiculously built and good looking guys who make it that far, but in my opinion, Noah Mills isn't that kind of guy. He has a really natural look, the kind of sexy body built from just having an active lifestyle rather than hours in the gym every week.

Maybe that's the secret to his success? After all, we don't all spend so much time creating the perfect body, so perhaps he reflects the mainstream man who just wants to look good?

There I go, making it sound like he's let himself go or that he can't compete with some of the other top male models out there! Of course he can, he's gorgeous, sexy, nicely built and looks great in front of the lens. Enjoy!

NOAH MILLS - StrollingNOAH MILLS - Tight BriefsNOAH MILLS - Sexy HazeNOAH MILLS - Sexy AbsNOAH MILLS - On The BeechNOAH MILLS - In The SunNOAH MILLS - DampNOAH MILLS - CatwalkNOAH MILLS - Handsome

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13 years ago

nice, like a lot of other man models 😐

13 years ago


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