Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst

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We've featured this incredibly hot young guy before in this post, but I thought it was about time I offered some more. After all, that was over a year ago, and there's a lot more to show of this guy since that post.

First off, a little about this young hunk. Forgive me if you know this from the previous post, but for those who down want to click through...

In his early 20's, Nick is a model, actor and musician living in NYC, where I believe the below images were snapped by expert photographer Richard Gerst. He's been in the industry since 2008 and has been the focus of many shoots by some great photographers.

Not only is he gorgeous, but that body is truly immense. Since that first post last year it seems he's really been working on his muscle definition, and if these images have not been shopped (which I don't think they have - I can usually tell) then he has one of the most perfectly ripped bodies I have ever seen!

I know there might be some clever contrast adjustment going on, but these images really capture every curve of every muscle so well! And what can be said about those little budgie smugglers he's wearing (sorry, I love that term!) they are just the hottest!

Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Amazingly Defined Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Red Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Stripping Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Soaked Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Outside Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Wet Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Package Nick Ayler by Richard Gerst - Almost Naked

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Jay Denton
Jay Denton
13 years ago

I want him bad !!!

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