New Dude Dixon Is Gonna Get A Lot Of Action

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I do like it when a site like Sean Cody breaks out of their mold a little and delivers the kind of guy you might not expect from them. You probably know that they're mostly about the muscled men, straight guys and jock daddies, but now and then they bring out a guy like this and you can just imagine the kind of fun they're gonna get from all the bigger guys on the site. This is Dixon, and he's a very sexy young man with a hot body, a great dick and some pretty impressive balls too. When he's not getting his cock out and shooting some loads on camera he's a fitness coach and teaches music. And once again I find myself asking how it is that almost every single guy we see in gay porn these days is a fitness coach or personal trainer. I guess it might have something to do with all that working out getting them extra horny and eager to share their dicks with other dudes? Maybe they just go scouting for new performers at all the gyms in an area? I don't know, but I can't say I care either way as long as we get to see guys like this enjoying themselves and having fun with other dudes on camera. Enjoy some pics of Dixon and click through to see his video. I'm looking forward to seeing him with some of their other great guys on the site :)

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7 years ago


7 years ago

His face is ordinary; he’s got a very nice smile. His skin is beautiful, and thankfully tattooless, And his dick is perfect, though his cumshots are average. And he seems like an intelligent, friendly guy. I’d love to see more of him.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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