Nathan by Paul Reiffer for Lick and Attitude

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One of our good friends - photographer Paul Reiffer - sent me a link to some of his latest work yesterday and the moment I saw it I knew you guys would really be into it.

So you guys know I'm a little bit "arty" right? I love shots by guys who manage to combine the sexiness of the male body with the industrial look. As far as I can tell, there are not that many fashion photographers out there who really pay a lot of attention to the setting and the contrast. It's easy to shoot a hot guy in underwear in front of a plain white backdrop, but when they're put in a slightly different setting you can really get some fascinating results.

Nathan is perfect for this shoot in my opinion, and Paul captures him perfectly. I love to see some ink on a muscled guy, and while the tribal look is far too common it's still hot to see. The guy models that underwear very well, with his hairy legs and those tight abs framing his pink jock perfectly. It's a pleasure to present them here and share them with you.

You'll see Nathan appearing in Attitude magazine this month kicking off the new range, but if you want to read up a little on this shoot you can check out the website of our buddy Paul Reiffer for more. Thanks Paul!

Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer Nathan For Lick By Paul Reiffer

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13 years ago

think this guy is a stunning model, natural look to him and not overly muscled out..the one thing that bothers me, is the choice of that shoulder tat..not original but I don’t have to live with it..and I have seen the people trying to get these things removed, you still see the tat..BUT after all I say, if it makes HIM happy, that is all that is important!


13 years ago

Hey – rather hilariously we also spotted Nathan in Miami back in April… which goes to prove that there are just a handful of hot guys in the world – they just do the rounds!
Great site tho x

James B.
James B.
2 years ago

Love his hairy legs.

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