Naked Straight Guys Flashing Junk

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So we were due another nude post on the blog, and I was certain that you guys would appreciate seeing some straight naked guys showing off their junk in various pics gathered from the internet for you amusement.

Obviously, none of us know whether every single one of these guys flashing their wang is actually straight, but that's the criteria they were found under, so we'll just have to go with it. I don't think you'll mind that uncertainty though, all of these guys have something about them worthy of getting them some attention - primarily the fact that their dick is out lol

There are some very interesting moments captured here. Mostly, it seems that a lot of straight guy get their cocks out when they've had a little too much to drink. I think plenty of you guys know this to be true also. Gay guys do too of course, but usually for more honest reasons ;)

There's also the obvious infatuation some of these guys have with the dicks of their friends. That's interesting to see. Why is it that so many straight guys coerce each other to flash their junk, and even look for opportunities to grab it, or get a selfie with it, or do something else?

I have decided that I missed out on plenty when I was younger and getting drunk with straight guys. I had a lot of fun, but I think there was also a lot more potential there. If you're in your 20's right now, think about that for a while, and promise you'll make up for our lost opportunities!

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Randal Hewitt
Randal Hewitt
9 years ago

I especially like the third photo.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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