Naked Pics Of Model Keith Gaspari

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I'm getting pretty good at recognizing gay porn stars in their professional male model shoots, and the moment I saw these pics of Keith Gaspari I knew I'd seen him bottoming for another dude in a hot video a while back.

It was time for a nude shoot on the Gay Body Blog, and I thought plenty of you guys would appreciate some of the naked photos of Keith Gaspari ;)

He's one of those guys you know you would be a little drawn to in a gay club. Maybe I'm just judging everyone else by my own standards, but I have to say that if I saw this guy in a bar or something I would be watching him for a while and trying to get the courage to go and talk to him lol

He's a pretty handsome guy, but he has a great body, the kind of hunky muscular frame I love on a dude, not too massive but just muscled enough to really enjoy. And he's a little hairy in all the right places too.

He's the kind of guy you just know you would have a great time with I guess, and having seen him on video before too I know that's the case.

Keith Gaspari 5

Keith Gaspari 4

Keith Gaspari 3

Keith Gaspari 2

Keith Gaspari 1

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