Naked Men For Gay Times – But Not Quite

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I think something needs to be established...

Naked means something different to the editors of Gay Times, or at least the idea of nudity needs to be accurately considered before promoting something as one thing, while actually delivering another.

I don't mean to complain, it is all in aid of charity after all (the very worthwhile Terrence Higgins Trust), but when you say someone is naked, they should be shown naked, right? I  guess they get away with it because the dude in the studio might be naked, but not in the image.

It's like putting a cat inside a cardboard box, closing it, taking a picture of the box, and calling it "Cute cat". lol

Anyway, enough of my bitching, the guys are sexy, hot, and doing it for charity too. I just wish they didn't get guys hopes up with stuff like this and make so much noise about it when it's actually less erotic or "naked" than some statues anyone could see in London on any day of the week.

It's actually pretty interesting how we are more prudish about nudity now than people were centuries ago - and yet we still somehow seem to arrogantly think we're more "enlightened"? lol

So, the pics are by Dylan Rosser (another great photographer we've seen plenty of times here on the blog) and the guys are all d-list "celebrities". I thought I'd better point that out to all the non-UK readers here. You probably won't know who any of these guys are, but neither do we. Okay, maybe one or two fans of reality TV shows and gossip mags will, but most of us Brits won't have a clue either! lol

EDIT - I have to apologise to Dylan Rosser for a slight mix up with this post, the images I previously added were not his from the new edition! I'm sorry Dylan, I was given an incorrect link for the images by a friend of mine (who has now been thoroughly spanked for his error lol)

These are the correct images, and I thank Dylan Rosser for sending them.

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12 years ago

yeah, like what are they friggin saving it for !!! :>)~

12 years ago

OMG! The first guy is….breathtaking!

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