Naked Jocks Teasing – By Michael Stokes

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So I have two posts for you today, starting with a nude one. I know, I can hear the very quiet cheers of joy from all of you :)

Now, although there is no cock on show for this one (damn it!) these are still handsome young hunks worth sharing with you all. Several of them are showing off enough to get my interest, and I think all you jock butt lovers out there will definitely appreciate this post as much as I have been this morning.

Michael Stokes is the man we all need to be jealous of for this one, getting the chance to hang out with so many gorgeous guys wearing very little - or absolutely nothing at all.

I know I've said it before, more than once, but can you imagine going to work knowing this was waiting for you? I wouldn't even need to be the photographer, I would be happy being an assistant on set or something lol

I'll gladly be the guy holding the underwear for these guys to climb into of out of!

Enjoy the pics guys, don't forget to give them a thumbs-up at the bottom, leave a comment if you're so inclined and share it too on Twitter and Facebook :)

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9 years ago

I love ice cream

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