Naked And Horny With JR Bronson

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I was inspired this morning, and yes it was by a guy at the gym. I can't help it, one of the best things about working out for me is the chance to enjoy some eye-candy! I definitely got that this morning, when I spied a really handsome guy in the locker room and then had the chance to appreciate his boner in the showers. Yep, it was one of those rare occasions when a dude got rock hard for all to see, and he didn't seem to care too much about who else was there to see it either.

The showers were quite busy too, and although he didn't do anything with it there was a whole lot of attention clearly on him, with cocks chubbing up all over the place. I've decided that erections are like yawns, they're very contagious lol

So I was back home shortly after, thinking about the guy and wondering if I could find a dude on a site to share with you who had something in common with him. I knew it was time for some cock on the blog, so I got into the Colt Studio site and started looking.

JR Bronson is the closest I could find. His bod and cock are pretty similar to the gym guy this morning. The major difference is that my boned-up guy was only in his mid 20's and had a little less fur, and he was uncut too.

Anyway, these are some pics from one the guys recent videos on the site, getting fucked by Adam Champ. You should check that out if you're in the mood for something real masculine and horny! ;)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (7)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (6)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (5)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (4)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (3)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (2)

Naked And Horny With JR Bronson (1)

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