My Sunday Is Perfect Now I Have Leo Ryan Burke To Look At

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Guys, this is Leo Ryan Burke, and he's about to invade your dreams and fantasies on a level you likely haven't seen before. Okay, that was an assumption on my part, but I'm pretty certain that a lot of you guys are going to be spending a little time thinking dirty thoughts about this incredibly handsome man. From what I gather he goes by more than one name. First of all I found him under the name Leo Ryan Burke, then just Ryan Burke, then Ryan Wright. So, I don't really know what I should be calling him in this post. Whatever he wants to call himself I really don't care, as long as we get to enjoy that gorgeous face, his incredibly fit body, and that very tempting cock bulge he seems to enjoy showing off and teasing us with. Photographers obviously know what they're getting with this stunning muscled hunk. Everything I have seen him in seems to focus on the whole package - emphasis on the package. Are there any nudes out there? I get the feeling there might be, that perhaps he's appeared naked under a different name. Some of the shots I've seen of him are verging on that. Enjoy, leave a comment, share any info you might have on him. Have a lovely Sunday.

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8 years ago

Now THAT made the entire week!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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