Muscled Uncut Nude Dude

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I'm still drooling after my gym visit yesterday, and on my hunt for some nude hotness to share with you guys today I found a shoot from the Next Door Male site of a brand new hunk that I just had to get on here for you guys to enjoy.

I know some of you might be a little torn when it comes to this hunk, but I think the overall response to this guy is going to be positive ;)

His name is Mario Torrez and he's Italian. I'm guessing he's straight too, because that seems to be the deal with the guys who show up there. Although most of them don't seem to stay that way for too long once they start appearing on the other sites in the studios collection.

I'm hoping this dude goes down that path too. He has a great body, a hairy butt and the most delicious hooded dick too. This might be a solo, but it's a great one as he shows off everything he has to offer and gets to work on himself in a slow and steady jerk off.

I've already mentioned a few things I love about this guy, but I have to mention those balls too. Check it out as he strokes it with his low hangers resting between his meaty thighs!

Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (1) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (2) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (3) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (4) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (5) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (6) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (7) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (8) Muscled Uncut Nude Dude (9)

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12 years ago

I love this guy! Perfect! More please! 😉

12 years ago

Won‘t to suck him all night…. <3 he‘s dick

12 years ago

Won‘t to suck him all night…. <3 his dick

11 years ago

Interesting you say that he’s Italian. He does a couple of hardcore sex scenes on companion site Next Door Buddies. Most such scenes, as you know, don’t have much in terms of dialogue or story. But, in one, he is teaching his “boyfriend” how to say sexy things in French. Unlike in the USA, unfortunately, folks in Europe are quite multi lingual. BTW, Mario’s hardcore scenes are HOT.

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