Muscled Tommy Dion By Michael Ching

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There are some male models out there who really make me feel guilty when I skip the gym one morning, and Tommy Dion is one of them.

I was looking at this guy and within seconds I was considering hiring a personal trainer. I think he would be perfect for that, appearing on ads in gyms trying to sell personal trainers to their customers. I don't know how a guy could walk past the sight of that body and not immediately think "I WANT!" either for themselves or to play with! lol

He's such a hot guy, with an amazing physique. I'm simultaneously wondering what those abs would feel like (against my tongue) and how long it's going to be before the world of science invents a Nutty Professor pill I can take to give me a body like that for 6 hours.

I know, there are steroids I could take, but the side effects of accelerated hair loss and shrunken nuts are not sacrifices I am willing to make. It's like trading one thing for another, you could be buff and beefy with relative ease, but your balls are those of a hamster and you have no hair on your head at 35. lol

I think I'll stick with working out, when I can be bothered, and enjoying all the hunks like this at my gym ;)

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10 years ago

Oh yeah……when he’s there, there will be a full house at the gymmmmmm.
10 years ago

Male models in fighting stand in photos are very cute and rare to see!

10 years ago

great body, weird weird postprocessing taking away from the subject

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