Muscled Student Boy Juan Pablo Camargo Would Get It

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I know you might have expected something in-keeping with the holidays, but there aren't many hot Santas posing for photographers out there and when I saw this muscled student boy I felt the need to share him :)

Also, if you're anything like me, I expect most of you might want a break from all things Christmasy lol

I hope you're having a great day and spending it with people you love. I wrote this a few days ago so while you're reading this I'm at my sister's place and likely a little drunk. I guess it might depend on what time of day you're reading this.

Any time after 11am is likely lol

So what can I tell you about this handsome and buff young man?

His name is Juan Pablo Camargo and it seems he's not primarily a male model. We can all see he could be, though.

He's apparently a medical student at the University of Buenos Aires.

I swear I'm not just looking for hot Argentinians right now, it just seems as though plenty of them are dropping into my emails lol

We really don't mind having hotties like him dropping into my emails, right?

This muscled student boy is looking damn sexy in these pics by Nahuel Shinzato.

Yes, I will be looking for more of him.

Enjoy him. Leave a comment below. Hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Have a truly fantastic day and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more!

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