Muscled Male Models – Gorgeous Boys For D&G

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I had to go back in time a little for this shoot and get some pics together for this post from the Autumn/Winter 2010-2011 from Dolce Gabbana. I think you'll really appreciate it when you see some of the gorgeous guys appearing in it. I know it's a little out of date, but I have to confess that I do have a love of Adam Senn, and anything the young hottie appears in I'm gonna want to see.

There's also the fact that David Gandy is usually appearing in the shoots for D&G too, especially when Steven Klein is the guy taking the photos. But for this one he's nowhere to be seen. It's sad, he would have looked perfect in this collection of pics, but I guess sometimes there needs to be some room for the new boys.

So, Adam Senn is also joined by Noah Mills, Evandro Soldati, Sam Webb and Arthur Kulkov for this shoot in the tailors shop.

Now, it's been a long time since I was measured for anything (get your mind out of the gutter! lol) but I don't remember hot young muscular men all climbing on top of each other and sitting around in their underwear. But, somehow, Steven Klein has managed to combine the style and privilege of the tailors with the homo-eroticism of a locker room! lol

I've kicked this one off with a solo catwalk pic, just because he's so sexy in that one I had to have it on here! lol

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (1)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (2)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (3)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (4)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (5)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (6)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (7)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (8)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (9)

Muscled Male Models - Gorgeous Boys For D&G (10)

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12 years ago

They are sooooo erotically hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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