Muscled Hunks In Beachwear!

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We've had some of the pics from Addicted and their 2013 summer beachwear on the blog before, and I just had to keep that going with this post when I saw these guys getting wet and sexy in the sun. This is the kind of shoot that has me thinking about a weekend at the beach and all the gorgeous guys I could be checking out.

It's also great timing, because we're in the middle of a little heatwave here in the UK. I was sat outside enjoying a cold beer yesterday and even some of the talent walking by in my neighborhood had me horny. That's unusual here where the most I usually see are drunks and chav boys lol

If there's anything I would change about this shoot, it would be that I would add more bulges to the fun. But I'm just feeling greedy I guess ;)

If you'll excuse me I think I need to go and find some more sexy hunks like these showing off their smooth bods and those juicy teasing bulges. Don't worry though, I'll be back to share some of what I find. Stay tuned to the blog for some more of this sexiness!

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (1)

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (2)

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (3)

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (4)

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (5)

Muscled Hunks In Beachwear (6)

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