Muscled Hunk Willie Gomez Has Some Moves!
We've seen Willie Gomez on the blog before, and not too long ago in fact. Here he is, outside in a sexy location, doing what seems to be some dance moves for the camera.
I'm not sure what the deal is with this guy, but he seems to like showing off his body in some real interesting shoots. He's like the Shia LaBeouf of male modeling - picking out the interesting projects and confusing people lol
Okay, maybe it's a little extreme to suggest that given that we've only see him in two shoots on the blog, but when you see the other one and then compare it to this, there's definitely a somewhat strange style going on here.
Whatever though, the guy is hot, built, hunky, the kind of man you can imagine would completely own you in the bedroom and leave you aching for days after, but with a good delicious ache that you can really appreciate, not an "oh fuck I'm getting old" kind of ache. lol
Oh, and FYI, I'm going on a little excursion this week, a couple of days to go before I'll be in a field with a few thousand drunken revelers at the UK's best rock and metal festival. Don't worry though, normal service will resume, I have a lot of posts to keep you happy while I'm away :)

Your quote, not mine, “the guy is hot, built, hunky”. Enough said.
Shia Labeouf couldn’t be any of these things in his wildest dreams. Please do not mention them in the same sentence ever again.
The DNA magazine cover shoot with Mr. Gomez in all his bronzed glory should be in the Louve –virtual living art. I am almost breathless just writing about it.
BTW, Mr. Gomez is a professional dancer currently performing in Las Vegas. He becomes the art the dance requires; hence his many, varied positions. His art knows no bounds.
Thank you!
i’d also like to throw in that his b/f is porn star dato foland who is also hot, built and hunky! now THAT is a hot couple!