Muscled Hunk Ragheed Hakim By Amer Mohamad

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If you love a hot hunk with a great body and some sexy abs then you are going to love the sight of bearded muscled stud Ragheed Hakim! The guy is stunning to look at, but these photos are so teasing and sexy I think you'll be equally impressed by the skills of photographer Amer Mohamad too.

Everything is framed perfectly for this seductive and teasing look at the details of a gorgeous guy, really focusing on some of his best assets. But I have to say, it does leave me wanting far more. The guy has so much going for him, and the photographer focuses on such some of the sexiest things, working us up until we reach a bit of anti-climax and it all ends!

This should have gone on for much longer in my opinion, there's so much more of the guy to show off in such detail, but I guess we would then be looking at an erotic nude shoot rather than a creative male model shoot - and that would be fine with me, obviously! ;)

This is the first time we've seen this guy on the blog, but I will be out there looking for more, that's a promise.

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10 years ago

plse come nallsopra rohan, akash, shialesh, we are waiting in sita comlex in nallsopra e, westren line of mumbai, shankheshware nagar, near sai baba mandir all gay handsome boy for fucker come in our society

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