Muscled Hung And Uncut Too

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I see a lot of guys out there being shared around on blogs and Twitter etc, and while there are a lot of dudes who deserve to be shared around occasionally I see one that instantly grabs my attention and I need to share on the blog straight away. That's the case with this muscled, handsome and hung guy showing off his hot body and that big intact dick.

As is usually the case with such social media sharing, there's nothing to tell us anything about who the guys is, and he might even be a known porn star I happened to have missed (although I'm pretty sure I would remember seeing this guy in a video!) I think he's just another hot and horny guy who loves showing off his naked body and that big dick for the world out there to appreciate.

And appreciate him we most certainly do!

He should probably be in porn, and I can imagine that if someone from a site saw his pics they would probably want him in a video. I would definitely not say no to seeing that, the guy looks confident enough to do it and I have a feeling he would really deliver the goods!

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9 years ago

Braces( teeth) are HOT

6 years ago

He’s a brazililan scort. His name is “Diego Mineiro” You can easily find his material on net.

See ya

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