Muscled Fitness Hunk Adrian HC

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A friend and reader of the blog sent me some photos of a real muscle hunk this morning, and when I took some time to enjoy them (yeah, come on, you know that I mean) I decided that they would make a very good addition to the site and that you would probably enjoy them too. He was "bumped" to the top of my list as a result.

We've had a lot of muscled men on the Gay Body Blog before, and I know that a lot of you get off on seeing these fine specimens of manhood on display as much as I do. The shoot is a little interesting, but I do think it could be a little more revealing and a little less dark. Still, photographer Adrian C. Martin has done a good job of highlighting those immense muscles.

I don't know much at all about the fitness model appearing in these shots, but I have a feeling we've seen him before on the blog, perhaps more than once too.

Now, I might be opening a can of worms here and inviting some very blunt and horny comments, but I'm gonna ask anyway... what would you want to do with this hunky powerful man? Where would you do it? And would you let me watch? lol

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