Muscled And Sexy Cameron McElroy Is Looking Awesome

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Just a few days ago we saw gorgeous long haired hunk Cameron McElroy in a shoot for Aronik and I wanted to get out there and see more of him, and look what I found! The guys is looking so damn fine in this shoot for Edwin Lebron, and it's another great collection for Aronik too. He's definitely doing a lot of good things for their brand! I actually can't believe we haven't seen this buff young hunk on the Gay Body Blog a few times before, bit I guess he might be new to the whole male model business. Rest assured that after what we've seen so far there's going to be a lot of work going his way. No, I know some of you might be a little put off by his long flowing hair, but to be honest I think it looks good on some guys, and I definitely think he's one of those guys. Then again, I don't think there's anything he could do to that hair that would make him any less hot. He could die it pink and put it in a top knot and we still wouldn't care. As always, leave a comment and share your thoughts, I know you have some :) Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 1 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 2 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 3 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 4 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 5 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 6 Muscled And Sexy Edwin Lebron Is Looking Awesome 7

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8 years ago

Usually don’t go for long haired dudes, but this guy is LUSH.

Reply to  ramps
8 years ago

Could not agree more. Despite his youth, this muscle pup is perfect outside the Tarzan hair choice. Perhaps he thinks the long hair makes him look more mature?

Anyways, the good news is that a very short haircut is all keeps him from being in my bed, being banged 12 hours a day. Which I know he can take, since — unlike most kids his age — he did not spare his lower body from the muscular build up.

Come on Cameron, say it with me, “Sport Clips, Sport Clips”.

8 years ago

It’s just a haircut away and he can donate the hair please to the cancer survivor site(?Locks..)
He’s got everything / saying that my 23 yo geogeous nephew sat next to me at a beautiful dinner we had for his dad , my brother. I had to stare to see he had that hair in a bun… If it’s not to big then I don’t have a problem but my nephew has the most amazing hair/ you ain’t going to have it that long mr man

Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago


Dennis Hartley
Dennis Hartley
3 years ago

Dude hair is AWESOME!!!

6 months ago

Gorgeous model! Cameron McElroy could blow dry his hair any time in my bathroom. Whew!

6 months ago

By the way, these photos are labeled with Edwin Lebron, the photographer, which is fine, but they are not labeled With Cameron McElroy  — the handsome model. Conran, if you need some help, let me know. Cheers!

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