Musclebound Jock Omar Betancourt

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I'm gonna make a confession here... normally I can look at a guy I'm thinking about sharing on the Gay Body Blog and instantly come up with something I need to say about him, something to focus on when I start writing the post, but in the case of Omar Betancourt there's nothing specific I say other than he's damn fine!

I was so sure we'd seen him on the blog before too, but after checking it seems this is his first time here. I know you guys are gonna want more of him, and believe me I have been out there looking, sadly this seems to be the first time he's been photographed.

I think we all know it's not going to be the last time though.

He's been shot for DNA in this collection of photos (no idea who the lucky guy was behind the camera, but we all want to be them, right?) showing off his amazing physique and wearing very little. Still, it's too much clothing though, and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that either.

I would not be at all surprised to see him in some fitness magazines in the coming months, and rest assured I'll be waiting for that to happen so I can share him on here again!

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9 years ago

Love his hair line & the rest is just hot

9 years ago

Oh yeah. Perfection in my book!

9 years ago

That second to last pic is interesting — modeling Andrew Christian briefs. AC’s website / advertising could use Omar to help balance the scales over there. They have a few guys with meat on them but the twink to stud ratio is still probably around 80 – 20.

AC makes very functional menswear so it’s a shame his advertising strongly suggest there’s a pedophile in charge of casting.

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