Musclebound Hunk Chase Ketron

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Happy Wednesday guys! We're half way through the week and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. It's been a strange one, not a whole lot to do and the last few days I've caught myself twiddling my thumbs and watching puppy videos on YouTube.

And of course I've been out there looking for some hotties to share with you, leading me to find Chase Ketron.

He's another guy I don't know a whole lot about but I can tell you that he's unsurprisingly a fitness model, and of course he spends a lot of his time in the gym. You need to basically live and work at the gym to be able to look like this, that's a sad fact that most of us aspiring to perfect fitness should probably accept lol

He's a handsome man who seems to mostly appear for Furious Photography, but I can see why they have such a working relationship, they make him look stunning, like an action hero.

He does have an awesome body, but I think we might need to see more of him in just his underwear. Do you want another post with this guy? Let me know in the comments, and hit that thumbs-up button before you leave too :)

Have a great Wednesday, don't work too hard (I don't think I'll have the opportunity to)

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5 years ago

No criticisms of him, and yet — flatline. Am I broken? Are they gonna revoke my gay card for not really liking this sort of guy? Maybe I need a remedial course…

5 years ago

Same here, Terry. All beef and musculine and yet totally sexy-less…

5 years ago

No doubt he is a handsome model and this was shot by a talented photographer, but the two don’t seem to spark. He looks disinterested and bored.

A photo shoot is like sex – both parties need to be relaxed and engaged for it to really click.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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