Muscle Top Landon Conrad Back Together With Cameron Kincade?

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Can I ask you a question guys? When I share a hardcore post on the blog do you prefer it if I add the trailer to the bottom of the pics? I can do that with some of the shoots, so if you like that let me know and I'll keep on doing it where I can.

And that brings me to this post, an excellent hardcore scene with muscle top Landon Conrad slamming the ass of Cameron Kincade! I have to say right here that I love both of these guys, so of course when I watched the video on the Men Over 30 site I had to get it on here for you guys to check out.

This is a bit of a soppy scene, with two ex-lovers meeting up and reminiscing over past horny times... as someone who has done that, it's never a good idea unless you're both on the same page (just thought I would put that out there, not trying to be a love guru lol)

You can imagine this becomes something more than just a coupled of ex-lovers being friendly, the two are soon rekindling their cock lust and gobbling each other. The deep throat action Cameron gives Landon in this one is immense, not kidding. This guy can suck a dick like a pro, but then again some of you might know that from his past scenes.

The fucking is immense too though, with muscle top Landon really owning that hot ass and showing Cameron why they should never have broken up to begin with.

Like I said, it's a bit of a soppy scene, and a little corny really, but that doesn't stop it from being seriously not too.

Check out some pics and the trailer below, and don't forget to tell me in the comments if the trailers should stay or not :)

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9 years ago

Leave the trailer. But what I don’t like on Friday posts, is that clicking on the photos themselves takes you directly to their website and not an enlargement of the photo.

Bruce Strine
Bruce Strine
9 years ago

Yes, definitely include trailers, but this one was ‘cut-off’ on the right-hand side.

9 years ago

I’m on my iPad & have no clue what version of flash but it works.. Did not work yesterday/ Thursday

I’m obsessed with Landon’s biceps.. Hot
Have a great weekend

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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