More Muscle Hunks For Maskulo

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I know I'm not the only one who enjoys the photos the Maskulo Fetish Wear company puts out. They've had some great shoots before with some excellent nudity from some of the hottest hunks, but although we're not getting cock in this latest flurry of photos I think we can still appreciate their male models. Stas Vokman is their resident photographer, and he does an excellent job of showing off their gear while giving us plenty of the model to enjoy too. He gets the balance just right in his shoots. It's not all about the gear, nor is it all about the model, they both compliment each other perfectly. Now, it has to be said that I am a little pissed about the fact that they haven't got gorgeous muscle hunk Kirill Dowidoff back for more in this shoot. He appeared in some great shoots for them before, always being a little enticing without showing dick. But even though he was pretty teasing in his work for them I think we all hoped he would be a regular model for their brand and eventually give us the naked shots we all crave. I guess he might be back for more in the future, and you can vet I'll be paying attention to see that happen and quickly sharing it with you guys here on the blog :)

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7 years ago

oh yes!!

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