Muscle Daddy Alan Could Definitely Get Me Motivated At The Gym!

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I had a bad morning. I went for a run with the dog and tripped in the woods, and it wasn't until I got to the gym an hour later that I realized I'd strained something. Needless to say, my determination to have a good long session evaporated within moments and I limped out of there within ten minutes lol I might have been able to carry on if I'd had a muscle daddy like this guy motivating me, but I guess that would have been a bad thing to do. It's probably better that I was at home with my feet up watching terrible TV with an ice pack on my calf shortly after - and this is how I plan to stay all day :) Unfortunately, the only thing I know about this handsome muscled hunk is that he's called Alan. It's a shoot for underwear brand Alexander Cobb, but like so many brands out there they never seem to ask their models for a full name. Yeah, that's fucking annoying, right? Listen up, photographers and brands, we want to know the full name of the model, so we can kind of semi-stalk them on-line and appreciate everything else they've done! Enjoy this hunk, give him a thumbs-up, leave a comment too and especially if you know more about the guy. Most importantly, someone should get me a masseur to come and give me a rub down! lol muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-1 muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-2 muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-3 muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-4 muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-5 muscle-daddy-alan-could-definitely-get-me-motivated-at-the-gym-6

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Kristopher Osuna
Kristopher Osuna
6 years ago

His name is Alen Bunić and his instagram is alenbunicrab!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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