Muscle Cowboy – Boris Vidkiv
So, we need a nude shoot, some hot dick to get the pulse throbbing (and more, of course!)
I was checking out some real arty shots today, and when I checked out the Randy Blue site and realized I hadn't shared this great photo shoot of Boris Vidkiv yet I abandoned everything else and decided this was the one for today.
I don't know what it is, but this week I keep seeing cowboy imagery. Do you ever have that thing where a consistent theme, word or object just keeps coming up? I had a real weird day a few weeks ago where reference to travel kept cropping up. I went to the shop and the the guy I chat to asked me if I'd been on holiday, then went for coffee with a friend and there was a travel mag on the table as I sat down. Then I went home and had a call from a friend in Australia asking me when I was going to go and visit... It was all day long!
Now I'm having an entire cowboy week it seems! Perhaps I should be booking a holiday to the Canadian Rockies? lol
Sorry for that massive diversion, I should be talking about Boris Vidkiv!
This guy has had a lot of the members on the Randy Blue site drooling. He's had quite a lot of attention on their live shows there, and although he hasn't been in a video with any of the other muscled hunks yet, I'm sure he will be soon. The guy is seriously hot, and seeing him all dressed up like this as a gorgeous muscle cowboy is just another tempting and teasing show that makes me really want to see him getting it on with one of the dudes.
Now, where did I leave my Stetson?

WOW he has nice muscles, and nice amount of hair too, thanks!
Wow…. what a man… What a cock…. only he can give me my dream fuck…