Most Gorgeous Jock Model David Sanz
Okay, he might not be the most gorgeous jock model we have ever seen, but I think he comes damn close to it.
I can't believe we've only seen David Sanz once, and that it was TEN YEARS AGO.
What happened? Probably nothing. I'm guessing it's just my inability to stay on top of things.
And I would love to be on top of this guy lol
I can safely say these pics by Marco Ovando are quite old. He's still looking like a damn handsome daddy these days, but ten years is enough time for him to evolve from this into a stylish hunk.
You know what the deal is. Guys like this start out smooth and shirtless and posing for sports and fitness brands, but they get to around 35 or 40 and they're modeling shirts and watches.
I get it, it makes sense. I still think a lot of these most gorgeous jock model dudes could easily continue to pose for gym shoots though.
Now that we've seen this sexy Spanish dude again I think I might have to go back and see if there's anything I've missed. I'm sure there are a dozen shoots we could have checked out over the last decade.
Has he posed nude at all? I'll let you know what I find :)
Enjoy him, drop a comment and hit the thumbs-up button.
I'll see you back here tomorrow for more.

He is a fine specimen. The tattoo free body is a very nice change.