More Than A Deep Tissue Massage For Quentin Gainz

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I get a little back pain now and then, I could really use someone to rub out the kinks :) I would gladly visit Dalton Riley for such a service, as long as it's a thorough one like this. Quentin Gainz is the lucky guy getting plenty of attention in this new video from the Next Door Studios site, experiencing the kind of "happy ending" we would all expect. I actually remember when Quentin was a straight guy experiencing things for the first time. That was a while ago, things have definitely changed since then. Watch as the handsome hottie gets more than just a simple rub down from horny Dalton, swapping hard cock and giving up his ass for a deep tissue experience that has him unloading masses of cum by the end of it all! Dalton really knows how to deliver an incredible service for his customers. Even though this is a pretty common porn theme, you can't help but imagine that Dalton could be set up for life if he opened a massage parlor tomorrow just on the back of this video lol Enjoy the pics, but click through and watch the video if you want to see some very fit guys having a great time.

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