More Spooky Gay Porn In Slay Away Camp, Part 1

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I guess we should expect some more spooky gay porn coming up. Some studios know how to incorporate a holiday without taking themselves too seriously and I feel like is one of them.

They're going down the cliche movie plot theme for Slay Away Camp, Part 1, but they're doing it well.

I confess this campy kind of horror is my thing. I'm not too into the gore, but get a bunch of college students together for a slasher story and I'm there to take the piss out of it.

We have top jock Kenzo Alvarez and sexy bottom Finn August enjoying some sneaky fun at the appropriately campy Rainbow Lake Camp for the start of this series.

Ignoring the threats of a dangerously deranged psychopathic killer being on the loose (of course) the young stars of the show get down to their horny fun.

Blindfolded Kenzo is enjoying a nice sucking from his girl when she steps out of the room at the most inopportune time, with Finn stepping in to take over.

When the blindfold slips and Kenzo realizes the excellent head is being delivered by a dude he's not inclined to pause.

He's soon filling the lucky bottom with his straight dick!

No doubt his girlfriend will be meeting her demise at some point, they always do in movies like this. I am wondering who might survive, though.

I'm gonna predict the most talented bottom probably ends up setting up house with the serial killer, thinking they can change him. A lot of gay men love a project lol

Enjoy some pics and click here to hit play on this spooky gay porn movie!

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4 months ago

what is it with all the ‘surprised’ looks on the models? it’s not ’70’s Carry On movie. It just looks so ridiculous.

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